Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mama said there would be days like this....

Some days we just need more hugs. It's not about filling the belly and endless diaper changes.
This was a textbook day in the life of a two week old infant. A day that no matter what you do, she won't nap and can't be consolled for any lenght of time. I remember those days.
Today the baby's mom needed hugs to. She wonders if she's doing something wrong. After consulting a book about interpreting a baby's cries, (yes there is one...also on DVD) all possible cures were tried.
I told Christianne that some days you'll sit with Grace and look at the work you want to get done, and it just isn't going to happen. After another nursing session by mom and dinner for the two of us by me and the magic of the swing, she was finally sound asleep.
The laundry, dusting and mopping will wait...Grace needed more mom time, and she got it!
Nothing is wrong about that!

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