A year has come and gone. It was full of growth spurts, lessons and trial and errors. As I once did, Christianne
consults the book, "What to expect in the first year".
Month by month we check the appropriate chapter to see
what will be happening next.
I've never seen a book about year two, so I guess we're on
our own.
One thing we've learned is that as soon as you buy the
"must have" equipment, they have out grown it. Note to self,
"hang on to it for baby #2". This stuff is expensive!
I'm glad that Christianne resisted the Williams-Sonoma baby
food processor-$165. not including the fancy food storage containers.
I bought a couple of books with recipes for babies and
Sarah and I spent time pureeing and freezing food for
Right now she is fond of peas, peaches, bananas, turkey and
chicken. The organic veggie bowtie pasta I bought and cooked
got tossed overboard which thrilled Rocky.
Grace has taken a few steps on her own, so it it only a matter of time until we are on the
"chasing after Grace" weight loss plan!
Stay tuned for adventures of year Two.